A Family’s Journey to Entrepreneurship
A dedicated husband/father once had a dream to provide a brighter future for his family. Harbored the dream of starting his own business, driven by passion and determination, decided to take a leap of faith into an entrepreneurial journey. Officially opening its doors in Cd. Juarez, Chih. in 1985, marking the end of a stable white collared job and the beginning of a successful printing business. Long hours, sleepless nights, and numerous challenges along the way did not waver his pursuit for providing to his community and family. After 36 years of developing strong friend/customer relationships, constant support, and pouring his heart and soul into his business, all things eventually come to an end. With his passing, it sparked the need to keep his legacy alive by continuing the same quality service and unparalleled experience he cemented into this family.
This leaves a unique situation where a seasoned printer handed over the reins to his children which are more accustomed to the digital age. Growing up around and experiencing the nostalgic charm of traditional printing techniques, it puts into perspective how much the printing world changes even in a small timespan. Constant evolution of the printing arts is something we experienced and adapted to. Whether it be traditional printing methods or newer digital printing methods, we will use this opportunity to provide a deeper and broader service for our community. Thank you for allowing us to continue the everlasting power of pursuing one’s dreams.